Long Story Short Podcast

16: From Surrender to Submission

We first recorded Ken and Patti eight months ago on podcast #9. According to the American dream, they should be on the verge of living out plans for the empty nest years. Instead, they’ve been catapulted into a dramatic journey to not only battle ALS, but wrestle with what submission to God means as his plans differ from their personal roadmap.

Ken and Patti Brown: From Surrender to SubmissionIn this episode, Ken simply says, “The Lord has really been with me through this.” How is that not a miracle in itself? Ken isn’t sugar-coating anything. He struggles. He knows the realities he’s facing. He has hard days. And yet, he sees the Lord walking with him.

His wife Patti reminds herself that happiness isn’t the same as joy. Real joy is anticipation of something better – and that something is Christ. Some of us might give a big amen to that. But unless you’re living out something like the Browns, how does that truth powerfully transform your heart? Are you equipped to do real battle to reconcile your own desires against submitting to God’s sovereignty?

As incredible as the transformation to submission can be, nobody chooses that road. Nobody says, “Yeah, sign me up for that.”

While our hearts break with the Browns, we’re grateful for their willingness to let us into their very personal experience. We continue to pray for them and anyone listening who is feeling the weight of life right now. And if you’re not in that kind of season, can we encourage you to reach out to someone who is? A note, a prayer, a meal or simply a listening ear can help lighten the load as they do battle.

Part one of Ken and Patti’s story, podcast #9: “From Bucket List to Last Dance.”

Media Credits
Bumper Music: Sons of Avi
Setuniman on Freesound
Anton Verkhotin on Pond5.com

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